Community Care Sessions
Full Conference: Up To 14 clock hours for Admins/Alt!
Tuesday, August 30
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
1b. Rethink Everything: How the toughest times are an opportunity to do make big changes
The pandemic has taken some trends in the home care industry and brought them into full relief. Successful leaders will be those willing to question everything and make the changes that in the past would have seemed too disruptive. Pay structures, staff ratios, office space, client and staff relationships: Everything is on the table. In this presentation we will explore areas that are ripe for disruption and offer ideas for big and small changes.
Speakers: Brett Brier, VP of Business Development, CubHub Systems and Cole Ballweg, President, CubHub Systems
Continuing Education: 2.0 clock hours for Admin/Alts. / Nursing Credits: 2.0 contact hours
Target Audience:
Medicare Private Pay
Community Care Hospice
2b. HHSC Power Hour—2 hour Information Packed Session You Don’t Want to Miss!
Review of Top Ten Violations for LHH and PAS and Preparing for Survey;
This session will discuss the most frequently cited state licensing standards for home health and personal assistance services. The presentation will make a connection between the regulations and the need for documentation during a state licensing survey. The participant will be able to use the information to make self-determination of non-compliance.
Regulations for Supportive Palliative Care in the Home Care Setting
Join Rosalind Nelson-Gamblin as she delves into the topic of Supportive Palliative Care. This session will discuss the definition of supportive palliative care and current regulations and guidance for home health and hospice agencies.
Speakers: Rosalind Nelson-Gamblin, Senior Policy Specialist, Long-Term Care Regulation, HHSC
Continuing Education: Continuing Education: 2.0 clock hours for Admin/Alts. / Nursing Credits: 2.0 contact hours
Target Audience:
Medicare Private Pay
Community Care Hospice
Wednesday, August 31
9:00 am - 11:00 am
Opening Ceremonies & Keynote
This session will kick off with TAHC&H's Executive Director, Rachel Hammon and Board President, Kristen Robison welcoming attendees with an association and industry update. We will then be entertained and motivated by the hilarious, Buzz Sutherland. The 16-time Comedian of the Year believes that when it comes to success in your personal or professional life… IT’S ALL ABOUT FAMILY! Buzz will take you on a hysterical journey into how we can all improve our day-to-day experiences.
Speakers: Buzz Sutherland
Continuing Education: Continuing Education: 1.0 clock hours for Admin/Alts.
Target Audience:
Medicare Private Pay
Community Care Hospice
4b. Tips and Myths Leading a Multi-Generational Workforce
The aging demographics of the workforce coupled with realignment of individual priorities brought about by the pandemic have led many to label 2022 the “Great Resignation” or the “Great Reshuffle." As a result of this human capital conundrum, it has become evident that knowledge transfer, retention, and upskilling should be top of mind while managing this multigenerational workforce representing four and five cohorts. Using technology to boost productivity and efficiency is an effective way to scale organizations, however there are myths surrounding various cohorts’ application and competency which may challenge the culture of an organization. Join in as we explore various myths surrounding the generations and learn practical tips for improving your organization by embracing the diversity of a multigenerational team.
Speakers: Tammy Ross, MHA, BSN, Senior VP of Professional Services; Axxess
Continuing Education: Continuing Education: 1.25 clock hours for Admin/Alts.
Target Audience:
Medicare Private Pay
Community Care Hospice
5c. Cleaning out the Home Health Closet - Operational Metrics for Value Era Success with all Payors
Value-Era changes mandated by the Impact Act have prompted an operational upheaval for HH Providers seeking success under PDGM. Without rewiring for clinical acuity rather than volume as the primary driver of Home Health, traditional agency operations often fail to achieve efficient, best practice care programs. This progressive presentation addresses Value-Based operations for the Impact Act era, focusing on specific operational metrics for success. Initially addressing Medicare episodes based on PDGM reforms, this session will also address how insight into operational metrics can guide programing for all payors. Start cleaning out your Home Health closet today and update operations with Value-Based management metrics for success.
Speakers: Arnie Cisneros, PT, President, Home Health Strategic Management and Kimberly McCormick, RN, BSN, Executive Clinical Director, Home Health Strategic Management
Continuing Education: Continuing Education: 1.50 clock hours for Admin/Alts. / Nursing Credits: 1.50 contact hours
Target Audience:
Medicare Private Pay
Community Care Hospice
5d. DOL and TWC Issues for Homecare Employees
This session will cover the basic requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act for paying minimum wage and overtime, as well as exemptions from those laws, as well as recordkeeping, legal issues for wage deductions, best practices for drafting enforceable wage agreements, paying employees on time, and minimizing the risk of wage claims. The speaker will also discuss advanced wage and hour law topics, including minimum wage for the final pay period, how to deal with non-return of company property, the most common pitfalls under the FLSA, and how to handle final pay legally. Finally, the session will address what to do when an audit or wage claim investigation happens, how to appeal adverse rulings, how wage judgments can be enforced by legal authorities, and how to deal with upper management about the importance of following good advice for compliance with the laws.
Speaker: Tommy Simmons, Legal Counsel for the Commissioner, Texas Workforce Commission
Continuing Education: Continuing Education: 1.50 clock hours for Admin/Alts.
Target Audience:
Medicare Private Pay
Community Care Hospice
3:45 pm - 5:45 pm
6b. Practice, Practice, Practice...Applying the Texas Nursing Practice Act and Ethics to Home Care
Become reacquainted with the Texas Nursing Practice Act, Texas BON rules and Position Statements. Every nurse is responsible to know the Texas BON rules that apply to nursing practice. Also covered are ethical principles and professional boundaries. Lisa Selman-Holman will take rules that every Texas nurse needs to know and practically apply those to home care. This course will provide the 2 contact hours of continuing education on jurisprudence and ethics that is required for all Texas nurses
Speakers: Lisa Selman-Holman, Vice President Quality and Education, McBee
Continuing Education: Continuing Education: 2.0 clock hours for Admin/Alts. / Nursing Credits: 2.0
Target Audience:
Medicare Private Pay
Community Care Hospice
Thursday, September 1
9:00 am - 10:15 am
General Session: Industry Update
Don’t miss out on this information packed industry update with Bill Dombi, President, National Association for Home Care and Hospice! With changes hitting agencies from all directions, Bill helps clear the path for agencies to address issues and stay operating as strong as ever.
*Workforce improvement action plans
*2023 HHPPS Rate Update Rule and Advocacy Strategies
* Hospice FY2023 Payment Rule
*OIG, UPIC, MAC, and SA Activity: The Alphabet Soup of Oversight
*Private Duty Home Care Issue Landscape
*Medicaid: Build Back Better? Is there life?
Speaker: William A. Dombi, President, National Association for Home Care & Hospice
Continuing Education: Continuing Education: 1.25 clock hours for Admin/Alts.
Target Audience:
Medicare Private Pay
Community Care Hospice
7b. Chronic Care Management - Benefits of an Evidence Based Program
Due to an aging population and improvements in healthcare and the diagnosis, treatment, and/or management of disease, many older people suffer from more than 1 illness. The most common comorbid chronic conditions that occur include heart disease, hypertension, respiratory disease, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, joint disease, sensory impairment, and mental health problems. In order to optimize interventions and policies addressing multi-morbidity, we must have a clear understanding of the relationship between multi-morbidity and quality of care. In this session we will discuss best practices around dealing with comorbidities of the elderly population and what your agency can do to succeed with management of these patients.
Speaker: J’non Griffin, RN, MHA, HCS-D, HCS-C, HCS-H, COS-C, Principal, SimiTree Healthcare Consulting
Continuing Education: Continuing Education: 1.25 clock hours for Admin/Alts. / Nursing Credits: 1.25 contact hours
Target Audience:
Community Care
8b. Financial Considerations When Buying or Selling an Agency
Mergers & Acquisitions have been in full swing for a while now and many agencies are expanding by acquisition. This session will review the financial considerations involved when an agency is bought or sold. We'll discuss the difference between a Stock Purchase and an Asset Purchase as well as what information should be available and presentable for any potential acquisition - both from the seller's perspective and the buyers'. For those not looking to sell soon, we'll also discuss steps you can take now to increase your potential sales price and attractiveness to buyers down the line. Even if you never sell, being prepared to do so sets you up as a successful agency.
Speakers: Amy Knight, CPA; Knight CPA Group
Continuing Education: Continuing Education: 1.25 clock hours for Admin/Alts.
Target Audience:
Medicare Private Pay
Community Care Hospice
8c. The Community Care Landscape
In these times of COVID, the US Economy, increased gas prices, expiration of 1115 Medicaid Waiver and more, how are community care agencies coping in these uncertain times? This collaborative session will discuss the most common actions that community care agencies have taken to stay in the game. This will include discussion on new workforce solutions, best practices for recruiting, along with how innovations have played a key factor in many areas of the business. Participants will also learn how to compete for the MCO market by bringing value and solutions to the bargaining table together with those metrics essential to Value Bases contraction.
Speaker: Sheila Davis, Executive Senior Vice President, Area Operations, Always Best Care Senior Services, LLC and Erin Vallier, Director of Sales, AlayaCare
Continuing Education: Continuing Education: 1.25 clock hours for Admin/Alts.
Target Audience:
Community Care
9b. Outsourcing Your Back Office: The Best Practice Approach
Many agencies are looking for more and more ways to trim the expenses from their overhead and therefore recognize a stronger bottom line profit. One significant cost savings they take advantage of is outsourcing work that can easily be outsourced while leaving the owners and operators in control of their businesses. There are many back office functions that can be outsourced such as payroll, billing and QA – but accounting is an often overlooked back office function that can also be easily outsourced to provide the agency a better bottom line, reduced administrative staff costs and less back office management needed. Not only can this be a cost savings but it can also really simplify the operations – less staff to manage and knowing that someone who is skilled at that activity is handling it.
In this session we will discuss which scenarios make the most sense to outsource the accounting function of the agency, how it works and what solutions are out there to assist in finding the right mix of outsourcing the work but still maintaining control.